In "The Sun Against Her Wings," the video explores the harsh realities of the egg industry, revealing how hens like Lolly are exploited and ultimately sent to the same slaughterhouses as meat chickens. Despite common misconceptions, chickens are intelligent...
So, summer is here and it's typically the time for travel. But before you get carried away by the ads bombarding you, consider eco-minimalism. This YouTube video delves into why you should avoid buying trendy items that are only...
In Ryan J Stills' video titled "VEGAN POWERlifter; Ryan J Stills," he passionately shares his journey to becoming a vegan powerlifter. Ryan delves into his motivations, rooted in empathy and Buddhist principles, for going vegan in early 2019. Despite...
In a recent YouTube video titled "THIS makes me WORSE than many Meateaters BUT...," the speaker grapples with the moral dilemmas of meat consumption. Admitting their continued meat-eating despite acknowledging its ethical issues, they delve into the intelligence of...
Hey minimalist explorers! 🌿In the latest entry of my Minimalism Series, I delve into my LOW BUY year—sharing updates, budget structures, and the essentials I’ve embraced while cutting down on non-essentials. From mushroom coffee adventures to creating a...
Dive into the transformative journey of Master Certified Health Coach Melissa Furman as she recounts her dietary experiments spanning Weight Watchers, Paleo, and ultimately discovering her sweet spot with a plant-based lifestyle. Uncover how the film "Forks Over Knives"...
Experience the story behind Berlin's freshest foodie revolution in fighting waste with GMP19, featuring Ana from DingsDums Dumplings. Discover how surplus food transforms into delicious dumplings, driven by three founders' passion to combat food waste. Join their journey of...
In a compelling video, Amanda Abbington, on behalf of Animal Equality, unveils the harrowing life of chickens in factory farms. From their first helpless cries to their painful growth and eventual slaughter, she invites us to witness the distress...
a *realistic* slow living day in my life (is solar worth it? anxiety/introvert & thrift finds)
6 min read
In the video, we delve into a day of realistic slow living, exploring everything from solar energy considerations to the challenges of anxiety and introversion. Madison joins the conversation, and we reminisce about an unshared European adventure, all while...
Dive into an unexpected world where a corrections officer and lifelong deer camp attendee reveals his passion for veganism and animal rescue. Wander through his backyard sanctuary, where mini pigs enjoy shady spots and a paddling pool, as you...