In "The Revenant: Cinematography of Nature Worship," the video dives into Emmanuel Lubezki’s masterful skill in connecting audiences to nature through his lens. The cinematography transforms ordinary scenes into spiritual experiences, making landscapes a character of their own. The...
Curious about how eggs arrive on Mexican tables? In "Life Inside A Cage - Mexico Investigation Inside Egg Farm (2018)," Animal Equality gives a shocking look into egg farming. Hens are caged their entire lives, deprived of basic comforts...
In the YouTube video "Our Food System is K*lling Us," we uncover the hidden, grueling realities behind America's food system. From Marisol's 115-degree vineyard toil in California to Terry Mayes' back-breaking labor at Angola Farm, the episode reveals an...
Our latest video, "The TRUTH about smart phones!" dives into the omnipresence and environmental toll of our indispensable gadgets. With 6.6 billion smartphone users globally, up to 47% in the US claim addiction—a phenomenon called nomophobia. We examine the...
In the YouTube video "Regretful Vegans: Series 1 Compilation; 24 Vegans," individuals share one common sentiment: if only they had gone vegan sooner. Reflecting on their journey, they express regret over consuming animal products, emphasizing that their only remorse...
As the blossoms of spring begin to bloom, our kitchens should also reflect the fresh vitality of the season. In the latest "Food Prep for Spring" video, we explore the delights of seasonal vegetables, transforming humble cabbages into flavorful...
In the enlightening YouTube video "Minimalism is more than just a style," the speaker dives into the evolution of minimalism from a 1950s art movement to a modern-day aesthetic signifier. They critique how minimalism has shifted into an expensive...
Fleet Foxes’ music transports listeners to nostalgic, rustic landscapes with a few simple chords. Their songs evoke childhood memories of trickling creeks and rural scenes, blending pastoral imagery with unique sonic textures. Discover how their earthy tones, lyrical depth,...
In the YouTube video "Why is climate change so political?" the transformation of environmental issues from bipartisan concern in the '70s to a polarized topic today is examined. Corporate influence, neoliberal ideology, and political strategies stretching back to Reagan’s...
In an eye-opening YouTube video, "Monsanto: The True Cost of Our Food," we delve into the monumental repercussions of Monsanto's actions from their Agent Orange days to their transformation into an agricultural giant. Highlighting a landmark lawsuit and exploring...